The hardest part about responding to an RFP is getting started


We have the tools

Response Matrix


Easy to use, desktop application that allows you to keep all your RFP response documents in place and ready to go.

Point Person Support


Assistance to determine who your Point Person for RFP response is, and give them the tools to get started.

FAR Clause Cheat Sheet


More than 100 FAR Clauses defined in language you can understand.

Response Matrix

RFPrepared’s Response Matrix provides peace of mind that all your RFP response documentation is in one place ready to be used for future use.  Click and drag documents into common response categories on the desktop app – the Matrix stores them in the app for you.  Then, with a simple click and select process, include the documents needed specifically for each response.  Finally, the Matrix glues it all together for you in one PDF – ready to be submitted. (Please note: The Response Matrix is Windows supported only.)

Point Person Support

Having one (or two) members of your team who have their finger on the pulse of RFP response is vital. RFPrepared can help you determine who the Point Person(s) should be and then give them the support to keep going.  Contact us and we can chat about establishing the right Point Person for your organization and giving them the tools to be successful.

FAR Clause Cheat Sheet

The FAR Clause Cheat Sheet defines over 100 of the most common FAR Clauses for you in simple to read terms – so you know what is required of you – plus a link to the Clause in it’s entirety.  Check out the definition of a FAR Clause on our FAQ page.  Or, click “Try It” below and take it for a test drive.

We Can See the Look of Relief on Your Face from Here

RFPrepared came about as a result of our staff spending many years working in marketing and sales support with small companies.

Although these small companies were well-versed in what they could do for a potential customer, they struggled to put together a targeted response staff and stay up to speed with all the supporting documentation required to submit a complete RFP response.

This is when RFPrepared was born.

The first steps are the hardest.  We will help you determine who your Point Person for RFP response should be and then give them the tools to make their job easier.

Success and peace of mind – right at your fingertips.

We know you have questions....

There are pain points and hurdles that are stopping you in your tracks when it comes to RFP response.

Drop us a line and let's chat.

    Please keep me updated about more products and services

    *The use of RFPrepared products and services does not guarantee a winning bid.

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